Thursday, March 21, 2013

                                more urgent now to return
                                to that table   those chairs
                                               of myth
                                       poured nightly

                                                Market Forces

                        There's a force plants bulbs for profit
                                    then severs their stems in spring

                        there's a green fuse drives daffodils
                                                to genius
                        while bulbs divide     beneath

                        such forces in our genes
                        though life's beset

                                    beset by forces unforeseen
                                                            like cancer

                        unfairness is a market force   as yet misunderstood
                        it's not the caprice of callous gods   
                        have not the gods long left us?

                        then where's the meaning   cause and effect
                        where's the profit in untimely death?
                        we go on as we've always gone
                        hear news
                        who's up    who's down
                        & wonder why it was not us

                        may these cut flowers
                                    these daffodils
                                                bring cheer

                        life comes full circle
                        with bold display
                        cut flowers on its grave

                        © Dick Russell, 2013

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Henge

Blue stones were pushed to the henge on rollers
floated down rivers on rafts

then Tess came there

he saw her riding among solitary stones
looking for sanctuary      Just a brief glimpse
in his mind's eye    Tess    stress      tristesse

Naked lengths lain in a warm ward
where swing doors trolley cold pails
"Her past, her past"   murmurs by the elevator
"Explains her painting’s strangeness"

those swing doors bringing brass bands
profile parades      Does he/she remind you of...
grey shades inlaid in the brain
until spring painted brighter colors

            She sought advice from a hermit  
            clambered down to his beach through the fog
            but when she arrived he had gone
            just a note pinned to his door

           your past has the shape
           of a long bodied dragon, a Chinese dragon
           with legs, many legs, ducking and weaving
           like a low cloud chased by wind

           go stand by an eucalyptus tree
           breathe deeply and be free

A fog had crept up from the sea
voices off were magnified
while mist filled hollows with its balm
a sparrow chipped its cares out

He sat
thinking of Tess
mute with music contained

© Dick Russell 2014
revised version of a March 9th 2013 post

Friday, March 1, 2013

Drinking Under the Moon

                                    by Li Po

A jug of wine         among flowers
in the moonlight      nobody close

so I raised my cup to the bright moon
bade it drink with me

just the three of us
bright moon     my shadow     and me

shadows only imitate
the moon cannot comprehend

in spite of that we were happy
you must enjoy life in Spring

I sang   the moon listened
I danced   my shadow capered about

we were once all strangers
now    we are such good friends

we drink
we laugh

we laugh
we drink

though we’ll part
we'll all meet once more
to journey beyond time

T’ang Dynasty
translated by David Sen, Dick Russell
© Dick Russell, 2013

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