Friday, March 22, 2019

Drinking Under the Moon

                                    by Li Po

A jug of wine        among flowers 
in the moonlight     nobody close

so I raised my cup to the bright moon
bade it drink with me

just the three of us
bright moon     my shadow     and me

shadows only imitate
the moon cannot comprehend

in spite of that we were happy
you must enjoy life in Spring

I sang   the moon listened
I danced   my shadow capered about

we were once all strangers
now    we are such good friends

we drink
we laugh

we laugh 
we drink

though we’ll part
we'll all meet once more
to journey beyond time

T’ang Dynasty
translated by David Sen, Dick Russell
©Dick Russell, 2013

Thursday, March 7, 2019


I’m nowhere near where I wanted to be
I get closer each time I try
I shrug my shoulders, flex my neck
pulse pathways taking blood to my brain

not limerick ready
not quick silver smart
not able to rhyme on a dime
but necklaces of iambs dactyls trochaics
long sentences
even pardons
or two
I can take all from my mine

copyright (C) Dick Russell

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