Thursday, December 28, 2023

 Five Ephemeras in Memory of a New Year

                   by Erik Stinus


the sky is hazy   neutral    a fragile slope
calm after a violent nightmare
leaning over the sea it is stretching
and nearing   happy and surprised
that reality is coming to meet it
these green trees    those poor men
schoolgirls carrying books in their arms
the dark bound them to blindness
the morning dissolves all shadows
all eyes are seeing


look at these eyes
roses and cherry blossom
ships and birds   fading stars
and the torch procession
these red faces wearing no masks
but singing   and with their songs
conquering the false darkness
the churchyards and the crematoriums
to preach the gospel in a new way


since you led me into the desert
telling me about the secret life of stones
since you showed me the lone fertility of the oases
I'll whisper to you
that I don't like to see women in uniform
because I want beauty to be immortal
that men in khaki would be more useful
playing cards and drinking beer
that I want the music to return
the music of the waterfall
and the colors of the rainbow
of the swamp   the colors of nakedness
and of love


today all has recovered its voice
we need no longer speak our mother tongue
                                                            to be understood
water lilies have tongues
chestnuts have tongues
all dumb things speak and listen
and winding concrete roads
cannot frighten us with their autumn
their heartless mirrors and headlights


I am standing at the bulwark
singing for you
day and night
singing your own songs to call you back
I see you once more at your stage entrance
the snow of spotlights lying on your shoulders
birds of sorrow
sitting on your head
and you ready to re-conquer
the indifferent darkness of your audience
with your love

                                                Erik Stinus

Friday, December 22, 2023


The Poisoner

Once upon a time there was a man 
unsurpassed for blather and blarney 
who approached crowds slowly, 
not shaking hands but pointing 
his slow progress just a prelude
to innocuous remarks, at first, 
said in a quiet conspiratorial way, 
said slowly with theatrical timing,
as his reptilian brain felt out the audience 
with flicked out phrases that enticed a reaction 
encouraging collusion from the hypnotized crowd
starting to shuffle emotionally closer to 
his voice that is an instrument that whines saw-like
anesthetizing nerves opening veins
before dripping in poison, 
words with consequences, 
that would bring down the Republic.

Richard M Russell  Dick Russell

Monday, December 18, 2023

 A Solstice Poem

And People Also Should Sing

Sunlight before seven and birds begin singing
clear music from a shy thrush deep in the woods
then orderly cadence   a song sparrow's greeting
uproar like a bazaar in orchard and bramble
proud are those song birds with established estates
brave red winged blackbirds riding on hawk's backs
purposeful finches mature in a season


a quince bush is scratching the window
pollen from pussy willow   daffodil   alder
settles dry and dusty on the skin of her throat
mallards wedge the lake as he moistens her kisses
hands gentle in movement    calloused by fence posts
hard work   molding and smoothing year after year
good husbandry plants borage for long honey flow

and people also should sing.

Richard M Russell  Dick Russell

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

 Sail Far North

   for Farley Mowat

I want to sail far north
where once long ships
were seen where darkness never comes

I want to sail far into summer
until those days when sun stands still
then go farther on when days start waning
knowing each day risks more
of over wintering 
never returning

deadly for some
who turned back too late
dangerous for us
who went on
past midsummer's day

lucky we found a river
teeming with fish
so we'd survive if we gave time
for our lives depended
we hunt and fish
make provision 
to overwinter

between knowing and unknowing
sheltered under an upturned boat
how many months could we count
when days are dark
no way to count hours
even minutes drag on

what warmth would we have
with a wall of stones beneath our boat
what oil could we burn
assuming we could light it

stars wheeling above
clear nights in winter 
a blazing moon   
showing far horizons  
fabulous places
where giant creatures
played in moonlight

I want to sail far north
to those far off days
when all those fabled places
had other name

copyright © Dick Russell 
        2014, 2023

Saturday, December 9, 2023


simple to touch
        if not knowing
or caring not caring

but this cascando tonight
is no answer

there are white stars
& beyond them
a dawn
a brightness

there are black stars
& beyond them
an absence
an emptiness

        if we knew again
again we can't
there is only this
a nakedness

a nakedness words won't clothe

if we grow thin grow gaunt
they'll tell us we are in love

we grow thin grow gaunt

designed for three score years and ten
coping with four score years and more

love's another matter
brains digesting
are getting fatter.

Richard M Russell (C) Dick Russell

Thursday, December 7, 2023


When I lay long-side to my love 
the slow glide of my hand traveled terrain 
applying lotion to warm curving flesh 
unencumbered by black bikini ties
When I lay long-side to my love

When head on my hand I looked in her eyes
elbow propped in sand my hand inner thigh
she soon was above me her head framed by the sky
as the slow slide of my hands traveled terrain
When I lay long-side to my love

Richard M Russell  Dick Russell

Friday, December 1, 2023

Winter Solstice in Hawaii

When Jupiter moved through Aquarius
west southwest of Hawaii
brighter by far than surrounding stars
in the dark before dawn
majestic, a manta-ray swam into sight
showing a white wing-like fin slicing
turning on its axis to repeat again
sucking plankton from a pool of light
so, a hinge opens on the solstice
separating sunlight strands from shadows
majestic Jupiter reborn as the Sun
turns winter into spring just by coming.

Dick Russell (C) Richard M Russell

A Work in Progress 4

A Work in Progress 4     Gods were watching who’d win a game of chess,  in a peaceful Parisian scene below where sunlight weft its way throu...