Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Mondays Come and Go

Mondays come and go 
now there are only three to go
then two more before he's sentenced 
when he'll disdain the prison yard
with no great show of repentance
So, Mondays come and go and only three to go
what will be his next distraction?

He’s swaying to his favorite songs
lost in self-delusion
king of Elon’s X-rated world
misinformed confusion
Soon only one to go as Mondays always must
before his deeds come home to roost
when he'll strut around the prison yard
damning the judge with every trudge
with a court of special agents
assuring him a good reaction
what will be his next distraction?

Dick Russell © Richard M Russell

Sunday, October 6, 2024

 When in Rome

When the three men who would rule took the stage
all three: felon financier and freak
of fortune, a rich man poor of principals
in thrall to power, we saw being conjured
before our eyes by slyly woven tissues of brazen lies
a new kind of ism resisting definition.
Mass delusion manufactured by mercenaries
propelled through media by an immigrant
a man wanting to one day conquer Mars
standing next to a would-be Jupiter
an all-white triumvirate fostering fear
of immigrants even legal residents if black.
A new kind of ism, many shades of truth
peddled by a felon financier and freak
frightened of consequences when voters speak

Dick Russell © Richard M Russell

Saturday, October 5, 2024

When Push Comes to Shove

When push comes to shove
words from above
things hot on the stove

When push comes to shove
standing on the brink
staring hard at those that provoked this

We know who you are
We see you clearly

Tunnel burrowers

When push comes to shove
An iron fist in a soft glove
hard from above
may bring love

it’s often the case
you’ll fall in love with hate
it’s often that way on TV
so why not a romance
instead of a death dance

that script won’t play in Peoria
something about death brings on euphoria
when push comes to shove
standing eye to eye
there’s no hatchet to bury
that would soothe our enmity
when push comes to shove
we will 

Dick Russell © Richard M Russell

Mondays Come and Go Mondays come and go  now there are only three to go then two more before he's sentenced  when he'll disdain the ...