Saturday, December 22, 2012

Poem for the Solstice

Sunlight before seven and birds begin singing
clear music from a shy thrush deep in the woods
then orderly cadence   a song sparrow's greeting
uproar like a bazaar in orchard and bramble
proud are those song birds with established estates
brave red winged blackbirds riding on hawk's backs
purposeful finches mature in a season


a quince bush is scratching the window
pollen from pussy willow   daffodil   alder
settles dry and dusty on the skin of her throat
as mallards wedge the lake he moistens her kisses
hands gentle in movement    calloused by fence posts
hard work   molding and smoothing year after year
it's good to plant borage for long honey flow

and people also should sing

©  Dick Russell, 2017
An earlier version was published in Whidbey Island Loon

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