Tuesday, October 31, 2023


if this should be the last I'll write I'd quickly say
I felt love at sunset tonight as once before,
near sixty years since I felt its first embrace
a feeling I won't describe words are destroyers,
which is not to say these words might mean more,
typed in italics on onion skin paper,
read not recited unsure of an encore,
written in lower case words become vapor,
spoken with lips that enunciate clearly,
the living language of romance and rapture
while the moon appears shrouded surreally
over lands still subject to urban capture.

Richard M Russell (C) Dick Russell

Thursday, October 19, 2023

 Green Eyes

Green eyes in the swing
of her long black hair

she sat enclosed in a tear
rolling his cheek

green eyes, a blue dress
black black hair

Celtic gleaming
green were her eyes
in the swing of a strand
of her black, black  hair

© Dick Russell, 2012m 2023

Remembering Roughside   A shiny wet slate roof was purple steaming to dry blue.  There was the sound of water dripping from a broken waste p...