Friday, August 30, 2024


through a bathhouse window beautiful still
stood a statue always tranquil 
yet weathered by many winters
a fountain pouring cold water 
from a pipe into a cascade of bowls
while in hot water steaming up windows
so that she could not be seen I bathed
though I see her always at the portal
where my mind slips by her into new worlds
not seen through glass but with my inner eye
but in this moment lying here measuring time
by the slant of sunlight across the skylight
as sunset trending west comes earlier 
bleaching oiled strips that hold up the glass
showing by angle the reach of the sun
about a third of the cedar casing
lighter than the rest and understanding
why the bathhouse was built purposefully
facing north its two skylights catching the sun

Dick Russell (C) Richard M Russell

Saturday, August 24, 2024

 Thinking of Dead Poets

imagery as if brand new
Li Po staggering forward
moon for his candle 
stars watching him stumble
where the muse takes him 
where she took them all
towards a moon shining in a puddle
or a river where he drowned
rushing to embrace her
his maddening muse
in love again waking
when first birds sing 
feeling young again   supple
after years of sloth
looking for clarity 
in fading light

Dick Russell
copyright © 2024
Richard M Russell

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Oaks and Hazels

Hazelnuts thrive once planted by squirrels
become without weeding quickly a copse     
over there, oak trees grown from stored walnuts
assuring squirrels will always have lots,
eating a fraction of what they gather
planting harvests with whatever is left
survivalist squirrels managing woods
so that in future they'll not be bereft.
Excellence finds excellence sifts through dross
recognizing each other through deeds, done
accomplishments acknowledged minds cross
choosing to attempt something never done.

Dick Russell (C) Richard M Russell

Friday, August 16, 2024

 It Could Be

the man who would be king is plotting how
if voters don't elect him, he can win
by any means necessary fair or foul
he's expert at preserving his own skin

she who will defeat him is planning change
first, she must debate him on live TV
he'll be all made up, but you'll see his mange
his aged luster for all eyes to see

he'll ramble, he'll blame, he'll lie through his teeth
if he's not insane people will think it
will she withstand his bombast his hulking big beef
avoiding questions, irritated, clearly unfit 

he's a sinking ship his crew now know it
they’re long past the warning sign: no exit. 

Dick Russell (C) Richard M. Russell

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

 Long Game

So some rich men are playing a long game
financing Trump now knowing he will fail
they are glad they advanced their preferred name
now they are ready when Trump heads to jail.
Those billionaires want Vance on the ticket
For their own reasons not entirely clear
They'll wave signs at corners like a picket
They are against most of what we hold dear.
They like that he blames lefty progressives
They like that he's tall married with a beard
They don't like to hear media dismissives
They don't like him being depicted as weird.
Vance says the childless should count for less
In November voters will bring him distress
Dick Russell (C) Richard M Russell

Sunday, August 4, 2024

 Thinking of a Friend

If we met again, would we be as shy?
i would, if we were eye to eye alone
be afraid to touch to let passion fly
uncorked sixty years strong always unknown.
Would we reconnect to be as we were
just words waiting to be used on our lips
close to commitment fearful to answer
to urgent feelings restrained like two ships
at harbor carrying precious cargoes
our future lives, as yet unpacked,
destined to part ways to sail where wind blows
not unload too soon by emotions highjacked.
Why did I not touch?  Why did I not speak?
Friendship falling in love appearing weak.

Dick Russell © Richard M Russell

Friday, August 2, 2024

 In Early August

When thoughtful of my early Iife, I groan
remembering something I'd done or not
transported in time to an unearthed bone
that my brain knows, and I'd almost forgot.
Appearing from nowhere out of context
often unwelcome from a time when single
as if tagged this is best expressed as sext
received split screen where life's images mingle,
precipitating moments seen again
triggered presumably by stimuli
unknown to science, magical brain-
made neuron spasms flashing inner eye.
Then you glance at me and smile, I'm redeemed.
Everything is now better than it seemed.

Dick Russell © Richard M Russell

Mondays Come and Go Mondays come and go  now there are only three to go then two more before he's sentenced  when he'll disdain the ...