Thursday, September 5, 2024

Ode: To Defiance

When I stand at last on the brink of death
who will I see waiting on the further shore?
Will I see among those that passed before
some enemy’s arms crossed and an air of menace
others with open arms ready for an embrace?
With some I fought with some shared breath.

Will some poets I’ve read be there, Berryman maybe?
Will I see him wandering among trees with Sylvia
deep in thought contemplating suicide?
Beyond this death is there another they could choose
go where ghosts go and be flotsam and jetsam
erased on the beach by a rising tide?

I will not stand upon the brink of death
I’ll swim rather than look into Charon’s eye
for mythic streams are just wading pools for me
where history lingers on its way to the sea.
And if I reach the further bank I’ll see
what my future intends for me.

Dick Russell © Richard M. Russell

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