Sunday, August 20, 2017

At Sunset

while light fades memory
reminds me there once
was a dawn
when I kissed her

time touches erodes this 
beauty inspires me
twilight gleams
while light fades in the West

monks chant nuns pray
what once was written
takes me onward
one page a day

love’s debt still unpaid
an appropriate sum
sixpence I'll throw at the moon

copyright © Dick Russell

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

That day I met Sam Shepard

Four young Americans were stoned
from smoking a joint just before I
arrived at the end of the room about a
                 coffee table
Barbara Riddle husband Sam and wife
I should have pulled up a chair to

sit with them but by the wall
in a chair at a distance not close
as if I was an observer not a guest
                  after I left
I knew they all felt more comfortable
as I who had been invited

I could have sat on the floor
beneath them but they did not make room
peachie le nic lived in that same flat later
             with wife Claire
he gave Sam the key to let Heather in
to the top floor flat where we met

copyright © Dick Russell

Saturday, August 5, 2017


from headphones in the wheelhouse
his mind awoke at a twenty-pound
salmon standing vertical on its tail
a moment twenty
dollars easy a pound at retail paying
for the fuel then the silvery sheen

of a seal twisting in air
to resume pursuit downriggers down
for a shallow troll he had been musing on
hand on her knee
how the West was won by covered wagons
jolting across endless prairie

one hand on the rein another
on her knee toll roads, railroads, fences
following them like wolves
now though seas are calm there’s a war unseen
against those who trespass out West

Dick Russell
copyright © 2017

Remembering Roughside   A shiny wet slate roof was purple steaming to dry blue.  There was the sound of water dripping from a broken waste p...