Sunday, June 30, 2024

 What A Gift

What a gift CNN gave to a known liar
Insurrectionist and election denier.
Fomenting an arc of building hysteria
A story contrasted with Trump’s much easier
About how over eighty there are signs of aging
A person might stumble with words lose their footing
Responding with dry facts when he should be raging
Muted by microphone silence he should be hooting
At Trump’s insane lies about Nancy Pelosi
making a Wall Street Journal reporter a pawn
saying whatever can deflect what his crimes be
egged on by billionaires and violent Trump spawn.
What a gift CNN gave to a known liar
Insurrectionist and election denier.

Dick Russell © Richard M Russell

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Mondays Come and Go Mondays come and go  now there are only three to go then two more before he's sentenced  when he'll disdain the ...