Thursday, June 13, 2024

 Only Imagine

backlighting branches our sun moves west

I'm spotlit by the sun shining through fronds 
cedars that shade us from the westering sun

I've an audience in the shadows
I'm onstage in a spotlight
where I should not stammer 
but speak with confidence

I am a man of honor.
My word is my bond.
So, I was raised to believe
by what I took from the library to read

now come with me 
as the sun sinks in the west 
as darkness approaches 
news from the east is all unrest
we'll find overnight hopes dashed
but I can take you to another place
we'll imagine together
only imagine

I am a man
who finds himself in the garden of Eden
able to eat from the tree of knowledge
I've come back to the garden where it all began
to find the tree stunted almost dead
poisoned by pollution

while around the tree commentators
recording its demise providing perspectives
so many accounts
to some it appears the tree is thriving 
to others it's near death's door
but for the most part it's just to keep the story going
retell the once told tale

can I tell you for a fact that I've seen it
I’ve imagined it so it might be true
but more likely it's not
for it was only a myth in the first place

but we must still save the tree of knowledge
whose roots have spread
across the Internet

somewhere in a sacred place
 it stands gnarled and reticent
guarding a few shoots with green leaves
the tree of knowledge from which all truth stems 

Dick Russell (C) Richard M. Russell

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