Monday, July 29, 2024

Ape Man

Inside me an ape man hides
i know because by osmosis he seeps
into my soul
so that 

instinct overrules 
fear triggers 
adrenaline surges
fists clench

I know what's fair
but how I know I owe to him
who knows what courage is
and knows what's in our genes

challenged we strive
we grow we feed
pull ourselves up
though gravity pulls us down
our minds learn to muscle up
to crawl to stand

inside me a genetic core
programmed to survive
easy to provoke
be careful

don't trespass on my freedom
for I'm one of many in my tribe
all programmed to survive
straining at the yoke
to fight another bloke

if needs must 

should we forget we're civilized

Dick Russell © Richard M Russell

Thursday, July 25, 2024

After E.P’s: Ts’ai Chi’h

there's a stone statue
a woman pouring water
into a bird bath

powered by current
water flowing forever
coming through the pipes

always replenished
if there is running water
day after dry day

tall montbretias
pennants guarding the bird bath
only for a while

red blossoms clinging
that fell in the stone fountain
shredded yellow white

a hummingbird sipped
before weather wear and tear 
drowned them in water

she’s still beautiful
she pours water very well
while there is water

an aged statue
molded around a brass pipe
birds perch on her head

Dick Russell © Richard M. Russell

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Jokers Wild

So, one of the nine 
slipped a trump card 
into the decision deck 
a get out of jail free card
for breaking the law what the heck
a reusable get out of jail card
used to trump Jack Smith

overt legal power 
the shape of things to come
awake to the rule of kings
with divine right and then some
for lives can be made forfeit 
estates proscribed
just as was once described

So, six of the nine
stacked the card deck
installed a de facto King
even though elections weren't over
afraid of what elections bring
the voice of the people heard over
bigots wanting serfs again

So, three of the nine
chose freedom
showed courage to stand up
three women standing for millions
most of the country knows what's up
five men and Amy driven by billions
dollars hiding from tax
polluters wanting regs lax

In November 
will we awake
to find we've been trumped
or will people come to the ramparts 
to stop freedom from being jumped
yes, they will be brave hearts
and unselect a King
yes, they will be counted
freedom will take wing

Dick Russell © Richard M Russell


Friday, July 19, 2024

 Ode to Loveliness

I’m alone in the evening 
politics pulsing urgently in the news
traffic noise far-off and near-by birdsong

I was most alone when I most desired to be talented
to be able to write short stories in pubs 
or at an outdoor table in a French café
under a fringed canopy near a sheet plane glass window 
where I could see Hemingway 
oblivious except to words flowing onto the page
telling him the story he was writing

Persephone’s fragrance wafts in air
near a fast-flowing fountain
water splashing from its brink
where hummingbirds drink

She bathed nearby and her perfume lingers
all around blossoms touched by her fingers

Water flowing and falling forever
pumped into a bathing bowl songbirds prefer
then one larger robins use
then even bigger should they dare
a yard wide almost a foot deep
on a base decorated with acanthus leaves

upstairs a bath is running

Dick Russell © Richard M Russell

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


I do homage to my father every day
when I hold a razor under a running tap
to wash away metal bits left on the edge

he warned me to do this with new blades
before he died when I was beardless 
eight years old

I remember him each time I shave

Dick Russell (c) Richard M. Russell

Friday, July 12, 2024

 Unnamable You

Stories survive, stone walls crumble but words still tell of you
I can speak of Medea, tell of Odysseus, but not you
in a world without wheely-bins where wooden ships once sailed
where honor was most of the law, beliefs only in what you saw
you were unnamable but all knew who you were
you were their hope their destiny their goal

except for rubble there's no trace now that world was a mythic place
 of witches, warriors, tyrant kings where pottery was precious
there were no disposable things just half lemon rind spoons on twigs

still our hope is unnamable still there would be tyrant kings
unspoken words still tell of our hope our Swainson thrush singing
far off in the woods a free bird unheard when head phone enslaved 
unspoken hopes never described unmentionable written down
unnamable you 

Dick Russell (C) Richard M Russell

Thursday, July 4, 2024

 Ode: To Inspiration

So Donal kicked his slippers off
travelled on bare feet
swiveled swaggered high stepped side stepped
made it to the street

his muse clasped him in her arms
once again he was young
standing outside her house
his first day onshore of a magic place
encircled by trees
water not far

as an outcast feels
so it felt to be alone
facing winter without a scarf
journeying to Spain
to cold Valladolid
austere in winter as in spring

to find her again
with a sketchbook
wearing a handmade scarf of tie-dyed silk
loosely tied
colors of gold and green
shades of reds and browns

to find her again
by an orange grove where a stream
fell from the hills
in Andalusia below Ronda
where beauty bathed in a stream
long hair iridescent in moonlight
brushed in sunlight

to find her again
when she had seemed long lost
having her near thereafter

Dick Russell © Richard M. Russell

Mondays Come and Go Mondays come and go  now there are only three to go then two more before he's sentenced  when he'll disdain the ...