Friday, July 12, 2024

 Unnamable You

Stories survive, stone walls crumble but words still tell of you
I can speak of Medea, tell of Odysseus, but not you
in a world without wheely-bins where wooden ships once sailed
where honor was most of the law, beliefs only in what you saw
you were unnamable but all knew who you were
you were their hope their destiny their goal

except for rubble there's no trace now that world was a mythic place
 of witches, warriors, tyrant kings where pottery was precious
there were no disposable things just half lemon rind spoons on twigs

still our hope is unnamable still there would be tyrant kings
unspoken words still tell of our hope our Swainson thrush singing
far off in the woods a free bird unheard when head phone enslaved 
unspoken hopes never described unmentionable written down
unnamable you 

Dick Russell (C) Richard M Russell

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